Browsing by Author de la Rosa Leyva, Juan Gerardo

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
26/03/2021Implementation of classroom management strategies to reinforce students´ written participation in second grade group C in secondary schollde la Rosa Leyva, Juan Gerardo; López Silva, Ulises Emmanuel
15/07/2020Oral communication through the use of songs in an EFL first grade secondary groupde la Rosa Leyva, Juan Gerardo; Hernández Niño, Maribel de Jesús
15/07/2020“The use of a Project to promote Speaking Skills in a Foreign Language (ELF) class, with third secondary grade”de la Rosa Leyva, Juan Gerardo; Vázquez Mendoza, Adrina Vianney
22/07/2022the use of communicative activities to promote speaking appropriacy in a first grade secondary school groupde la Rosa Leyva, Juan Gerardo; Zapata Dimas, Angel Yeriel
15/07/2021The use of graphic organizers to improve reading comprehension in an EFL classroom of a junior high schoolde la Rosa Leyva, Juan Gerardo; Rendón Mañá, Zayra América
15/07/2020The use of images to facilitate language learning in an EFL secondary class of third gradede la Rosa Leyva, Juan Gerardo; Martinez Ortiz, Milka del Sol
15/07/2021The use of intensive reading strategies to improve reading comprehension in a EFL groupde la Rosa Leyva, Juan Gerardo; Martínez Pérez, Bertha Irene
15/07/2020“The use of learning games to promote speaking in a 1st grade group of secondary school”de la Rosa Leyva, Juan Gerardo; Rangel Macías, Mariana Itzel
15/0772021The use of lexical chunks to increase students' oral participation in a class of first la Rosa Leyva, Juan Gerardo; Arredondo Robledo, Ariadna